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[ Awards & Milestones ]


The Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award -- given for long term service, dedication, and achievement.  In 2014, the board of directors decided to formally recognize a member, or members, who have made significant contributions to the Rochester Ski Club.  Each year, usually at the spring banquet, the recipient(s) is/are announced and presented with a plaque that is theirs to keep, and their name(s) is/are added to a larger plaque that the president holds onto for the club.

Select / click here to display the original proposal for this annual award.

May, 2024
At this year's Spring Banquet, Gary Kloesz was awarded the eleventh annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.

Congratulations Gary - very much deserved!  Gary has been a long time member of the club and Treasurer for the past seven years.  He is a great steward of the club's monies.  He is very diligent keeping track of all of our income and expenses and spends as much time as needed to provide detailed reports for the Board of Directors meetings.  He pays all of the club's bills - usually one of the last to leave an event after paying the bill.  He ensures the club has enough monies to pay future expenses.

He leads the Finance committee and ensures our auditor has the information he needs.  He collects and finalizes the trip and social finance reports, thus works with many different trip and social event leaders.  He communicates regularly and handles any issues that may arise.  He embraced our new WA website and uses it in conjunction with other software to keep track of our finances.   As treasurer he purchased a projector, sound system, club banner, and club cards (in addition to several other items).  He secured credit cards for the club; one that gives us a sizeable cash reward!  

Gary is a member of the Trip Planning Committee and has lead multiple ski trips (Windham, etc.).  Over many years, he and Elise have regularly participated on many ski trips and attend almost all of our social events.  Gary can always be counted on to help with the social events he attends.  He is dedicated, enthusiastic, and always easy to work with.  He loves skiing, promotes the club in numerous ways, and has made significant contributions to the club.  

Thank you Gary for donating so many, many hours of your time and for all of your contributions.  Well deserved!

May, 2023 
At this year's Spring Banquet, Annie and Bob Bacon were awarded the tenth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.

Congratulations Annie and Bob!  Well deserved!  Their many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club date back years.   Annie joined in 2003 and Bob in 2007.  Over the years, Annie's contributions included instituting sending emails to the membership (before that it was only hard copy), adding online payments (Pay Pal, credit, debit) to the (old) website for social events, serving two years as Membership Secretary, and most currently, ambitiously designing and installing a new website that has interactive capabilities to let members register for events, membership, and trips online.  She's also written numerous instructions/procedures for members and for Admins.  The new web site is still a work in progress, but is well on it's way to get us to the next decade.  Annie also has been co-trip leader for the Gore Mountain and Sunday River ski trips for at least three years.

Bob's contributions include serving as president for three years; vice and past president before and after that.  Bob was always forward thinking with the club and trying to change how the club is run to increase membership and reduce the workload for board members.  He actively works with other ski club organizations in central N.Y. and others, to learn from them and share ideas.  He promotes skiing, sharing information about the Ikon and other multi area lift passes.  He was nominating chair for several years and currently is the Historian and has been the chair of the Constitution and Bylaws committee for several years.  This committee updated the Standing Rules.  Bob has been the co-trip leader of the Sunday River ski trips. 

Over the years, Annie and Bob have participated on many of the clubs' ski trips and helped with numerous social events.  They have hosted board meetings at their home and helped get the club through the Pandemic.  They can be found at Bristol most days during the ski season.  Thank you Annie and Bob for your dedication and contributions!

May, 2022
At this year's Spring Banquet, Jo Newkirk was awarded the ninth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.

Congratulations Jo!  Well deserved!  Jo's many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club date back at least seventeen years.  Jo was the newsletter editor from mid 2005 until mid 2018.  When Jo first started writing the newsletter, she (with a little help from two others for a few years) mailed the newsletter and reservation flyers using the postal service.  This involved collecting the information for the newsletter, typing it, and having the newsletter and flyers copied, collated, and envelops stuffed.  Over her long tenure many members switched to using email -- so in addition to creating the newsletter, she then emailed some and mailed the rest; and club membership was almost 400 for several years.   In addition, Jo also designs and still creates greeting cards - thank you, get well, sympathy, and thinking of you cards - that our Sunshine person and other board members use.  These cards are appreciated by many as she personalizes them for the club.

In addition to supporting many of the club's social events, Jo has been an avid skier for many, many years and attended many of the club's out west and eastern ski trips as well as still skiing locally.  She and Bernie skied Sunday River 25 consecutive years.  Jo is an enthusiastic lady and a dear friend to many; always ready to help so many people.  Jo is also very active in Honor Flight.

Thank you Jo for donating so many hours of your time and for contributing so much to the club!

May, 2021
At this year's Spring Banquet, Bob Pogel was awarded the eighth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award. 

Congratulations Bob!  Much deserved!  Bob's many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club date back at least fifteen years.  In addition to Bob being vice president for a year, president for four years, past president for three years, he also ran the Sunday River ski trip for at least five years (usually with 2 buses), coordinates the Valentine's Ski Day at Bristol, is the Nominations chair, is the club Historian, will again chair the Summer Picnic, and contributes in a big way for almost all of the social events that the club hosts.  Event leaders always appreciate his help! 

Bob participates on many of the clubs ski trips.  He can be found at Bristol most days during the ski season (one of the first in the lift line) and he's been a great ambassador for skiing; and has gotten many folks to join the club.  It's a joy to ski with Bob and to just be one of his many friends.  These are only some of the reasons Bob was chosen as this year's recipient by his fellow board members.

Bob, thank you again for helping this club run smoothly -- 'Way to Go'!

From Bob Pogel:  Thank You RSC

I would like to thank the board members for selecting me to receive the Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award. The plaque now rests on our desk in the family room.  When I first joined the Rochester Ski Club, I knew a small number of members.  My first trip was to Mt. Alyeska in 2005.  I found out immediately what a friendly group of people belonged to the club.  It has been a great pleasure to serve as a trip leader, event planner and as president.  We are fortunate to have so many of our members willing to help in so many ways, which is why we remain strong after 85 years.  Several years ago my son said, “Dad, one of the best things you ever did was to join the Rochester Ski Club.”  He was correct.

Sincerely, Bob Pogel

Sadly, Bob passed September 9, 2021.  He will forever be missed by everyone that knew him.

December, 2020
I would like to share the recipient of the 2020 Dr. Roland Steven’s award. 
The Pandemic has changed many events, BUT not this award.  Since the Spring Banquet was canceled; we presented the award, via a ZOOM, video conference call this past December.  Bob Wheeler was invited to the Rochester Ski Club Board of Director’s meeting and was presented the award virtually.  After quarantine the club was successful in delivering the plaque to him personally.

Many club members refer to Bob Wheeler as “Coach Bob” for his special analysis and terminology for balance and angles of skiing that some of us are lacking.  His quiet dedication to the club was evident in the many years he spent as treasurer.   Bob implemented the foundation used today with an electronic financial database, QuickBooks, still a leading favorite tool.  Members respect Bob for insights and technical knowledge, as well as his drone flying and photography during our summer activities.  For him the club always comes first, well maybe second after his family.    Thank you Bob for your many years of dedication, loyalty, and education.
(submitted by Bob Bacon)

 Congratulations Bob!  Well deserved.  We are very pleased Bob was awarded this honor; he was genuinely surprised.  Bob has helped the club to thrive; in addition to all that was mentioned above, he's been 'a regular' on many of our ski trips - western and eastern, and he can be counted on to always help at social events.  His friendship is very welcomed. 

May, 2019
At this year's Spring Banquet, Nancy Oberholzer was awarded the sixth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.

Congratulations Nancy!  And thank you!  Over many years, Nancy has displayed dedication and has accomplished much for the club.  In addition to her 10 plus years as the membership officer and all of the duties and hours that entailed, she ran ski trips, wrote countless trip and event write-ups for our newsletters, took it upon herself to keep an inventory of supplies stored at her house, that she keeps replenished for use at various social events, and hosted the December board meeting for at least 5 years where she made all of her delicious home made soups at no cost to the club.  Nancy has shown her love of skiing by attending many western ski trips, as well as most of the eastern trips.  On many of these ski trips, Nancy often hosts large wine and cheese parties, again usually at no charge to the club.  In addition to chairing the chili party for at least 3 years, or helping on years she didn't chair, Nancy also always volunteers to help with other social events - be it the Summer Picnic (being Bruce Johnson's right hand person), helping with the Pig Roast, Valentine's Day party, and many other events -- including for a number of year's being the chair for writing and giving out the fun 'baggie awards' at the Spring Banquet.  As the Membership officer, Nancy enjoyed welcoming new members and ensuring all members received their yearly membership list.   Nancy has played a big part in growing this club, and in helping to make ski trips and social events most successful.

Nancy was speechless when her name was announced as the recipient of this year's Dr. Roland Steven's award.  Way to go Nancy! 

May, 2018
At this year's Spring Banquet, Bob Pogel announced that Kay Conlon was the recipient of the fifth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.  As Kay was not present at this year's Spring Banquet, she must have been quite surprised when she learned the club was honoring her with this award.  Bob Pogel presented the plaque to Kay at this year's Summer Picnic.

Congratulations Kay!  Well deserved.  Kay's many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club started way before the 1970's.  In the mid '70's, Kay held the office of vice president for one year and president for three years from 1979 to 1981.  Kay is one of the last two Honorary Life Members of the Rochester Ski Club.  She wanted to ensure we didn't lose the history on the design of the "Murph" pin and thus gave us the write-up displayed on the Officers & History page.  Kay has been a very active member and continues to attend social events.

Sadly, Kay passed in August, 2021.  She will be forever missed.


May, 2017
At this year's Spring Banquet, Larry Seaman was awarded the fourth annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.

Congratulations Larry S. - Well deserved!  Larry's many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club date back to at least the 1990's.  He was president for two years -- elected in 1999 and 2000.  Larry was instrumental in getting the New Year's Day Chili Party started and made countless vats of venison chili that many members thoroughly enjoyed.  Larry (with Joy's help) ran the Okemo Ski Trip for a number of years and one year filled in as the trip leader for the Sunday River ski trip.  He's also kept the 2nd bus for Sunday River in tow for a number of years.  Larry is a most accomplished skier and has skied all over the U.S. -- many on RSC trips.   A few other accomplished RSC skiers enjoy skiing with Larry.  You can find Larry and Joy at many of the social events and they are always willing to help with set-up and clean-up.  Hopefully I haven't missed too many of Larry's contributions and accomplishments.  We are very pleased Larry was awarded this honor; he was genuinely surprised.  'Way to Go' Larry!! 


May, 2016
At this year's Spring Banquet, Bill and Bev McElheny were awarded the third annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.   Congratulations Bill and Bev.

From Bev and Bill:
Bill and I want to thank the officers and board members for nominating and selecting us to receive this year's Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.  It was a wonderful surprise!  We are very honored, as we know there are many, many others very deserving of this recognition.
   We can still remember our first dinner meeting after joining the club.  Jack and Liz Bacon invited us to join them at their table and introduced us to many of the members.  We also appreciate how encouraging Nancy and Jim Peters were, and after a few years, Bill ran one of the western ski trips and was elected and served a number of years as vice president.  During that time, Jim, Larry Seaman, and Paul Vail encouraged me to develop a web site for the club (learning along the way).  I very much appreciate that you've allowed me to be the club's 'web mistress' since 2004 and also to take and share thousands of photos from many ski trips and social events.  Taking photos has been a wonderful way to get to know many of you -- thank you for your smiles!
   Bill and I have enjoyed great ski trips with so many of you, and it's been our pleasure to chair and help with social events, and serve on other committees.  The Rochester Ski Club members are always ready to pitch in and help, and this is just one of the reasons why this is a very special ski club celebrating its 80th anniversary.  It has been terrific to get to know all of you and make so many good friends.  We look forward to more wonderful ski trips and working with you on many fun events.  We have more than a few idols to look up to in this club!  Sincerely, thank you again.

May, 2015
At this year's Spring Banquet, Sue Barrett was awarded the second annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.  Sue's many contributions to the Rochester Ski Club started before the 1970's, but in the 1970's Sue held the office of secretary and vice president for multiple years.  In 1982 and 1983 Sue was the club president and in more recent years, for many years, she handled newsletter duties.  She wrote almost all of the articles herself, typed, copied, collated, and ensured club members received up to six newsletters per year.  Sue has helped the club to thrive; she's been 'a regular' on most of the ski trips and you can count on her to be at almost all of the social events.  We are very pleased Sue was awarded this honor - and she was genuinely surprised.  Congratulations Sue!  Well deserved.

From Sue Barrett: Thank You RSC

It was such a huge surprise to be named for this year’s Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award.  I am most appreciative of this honor, especially in view of the contributions made by so many of our members.  As one who has been with RSC since the late 1950’s, I have seen the Club go through some thin times, and I am certain how and why we’ve survived for 80 years: the unfailing energy and dedication of so many of our loyal members!

Skiing has been a most happy and significant part of my life.  I wish for many good years on the slopes for all of you.


May, 2014:
For the first time, the board of directors decided to formally recognize a member (or members) who have made significant contributions to the Rochester Ski Club.  The first annual Dr. Roland Stevens Outstanding Achievement Award was given to Jim and Nancy Peters.  Jim is a past president, Nancy a past treasurer and Ski trip coordinator, and he and Nancy have also run numerous ski trips and have been involved with many social events.  Nancy has also baked countless cookies and other tasty dishes for various club affairs.  Jim continues to be a member of several committees and helps with the Yearly Ski Trips' Booklet, newsletters, etc.  They are undoubtedly deserving of this award.  Congratulations Nancy and Jim.

From Nancy and Jim Peters:  As Nancy and I sat at the Annual Spring Banquet and listened to outgoing President Terry Shearn describe a new award that was to be given out this year for the first time and then become an annual award, we both were thinking (we learned afterwards as we were discussing it) how will they decide from all of the fantastic contributors of the RSC who would get it. “This award is given in recognition for long term service, dedication and achievement within the Rochester Ski Club” says the beautiful plaque that was handed out. Then the announcement and WOWIE!  It was being presented to Nancy and I.  Somewhat flabbergasted we went up to the podium and graciously accepted it.  What more could we say but THANK YOU!  Thank you to the board for coming up with this great idea.  Thank you again for picking our names from the many that were submitted by the board members.  And, finally Thank you to all of the really great members of the Rochester Ski Club that makes it such a pleasure to participate actively and to be involved in many of the opportunities that the RSC provides.  Thank you to past member Ralph Palmer who convinced us to come to a general meeting some 20 years ago. Thank you to the great people we met including Joy and Larry Seaman who were there that first night and then John Amorese who convinced Nancy to run for Treasurer within a year or two (not knowing that when you get one Peters involved you get them both) and on and on. With such a great group we hope to keep being actively involved for some time to come.  We could use the word “Great” even more but we think you get the idea. Thank you again !!!! 

Sadly, Nancy passed March 23, 2017.  She will forever be missed by everyone that knew her.


RSC's 75th Anniversary - 1936-2011

In preparation for the ski club's 75th Anniversary celebration in 2011, Marcia Rausch reviewed many boxes of the club's historical data - and did a terrific job summarizing 75 years of Rochester Ski Club history.  A most sincere thank you!

In 1934 a recent graduate of Dartmouth and an ardent skier, Dr. Roland Stevens, came to Rochester as a medical student at the University of Rochester.  Having previously enjoyed all the wonderful skiing in New England he was disappointed that there was hardly any skiing available in this area.  He obtained names of six or seven interested skiers from a local sports writer and organized the first ski club in the greater Rochester area in 1936.  This was one of only five organized ski clubs in the United States. 

The first meeting was held in the Rundel Library in December of 1936 and with very little money, poor equipment, and no ski lifts the group had its work cut out.  During the second year the group tackled the ambitious project of clearing a slope in the Huntington Hills area near Durand Eastman Park and installed a rope tow powered by a Ford engine to become one of the first ski clubs in the nation to have a ski lift.  The slope was lit for night skiing by gas lanterns. 

The new ski club worked hard to clear some slopes at Powder Mill Park and conducted classes in the fundamentals of skiing as the group began to grow.  They were able to talk the County Parks Department into building a ski jump in the park and used the 4H cabin as the base.  By 1940 the club was ready to hold its first informal ski jumping competition and soon formal competitions were held with participants from around the state.  Also in the ‘40’s, except during the war, ski train excursions left Rochester on weekends for Old Forge for a round trip fee of $8 for adults and $3.50 for children.  Winter enthusiasts were treated to ski tow service on three open slopes and five downhill trails, an outdoor skating rink, toboggan slide, horse-drawn sleighs, and heated ski huts adjacent to the slopes. 

During the second season the club grew rapidly to more than 150 members.  The instructional program was very popular and gradually more and more ski areas began to open.  During the ‘50’s RSC members increased the growth and safety of the sport by providing lessons in health and exercise and instruction in many new skiing techniques.  In 1969 the program of instruction for children of the Rochester School for the Deaf began in hopes that these children would also have the opportunity to enjoy skiing.

As the decades went by the ski club expanded its activities throughout the year with the focus on fun with interesting meetings, exciting trips, non-skiing activities such as golf, hiking, bike tours, picnics, holiday parties, and fashion shows.  Ski club sponsored trips included Vermont, New Hampshire, Canada, the Rockies, Maine, all of New York State, Alaska, California, Montana, Colorado, Utah and many others. 

Today the Rochester Ski Club carries on the tradition started by its founders with events such as interesting monthly dinner meetings Nov. – April, hiking events, a wonderful spring banquet at a country club in May, a Summer picnic in August, a pig roast in October, and a holiday party in December.  Also the upcoming ski season includes trips to Okemo, Vt., Sunday River, ME, Park City, UT, and Stowe, VT.  Current membership is approximately 400.  Happy 75th anniversary, RSC!!!!

In 2016 we celebrated our - 80th Year Anniversary! 

Rochester Ski Club, Rochester, New York

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